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Blackboard Ultra Updates – June 2024

You will see these changes in Blackboard Ultra from June 2024. Read the full details on the Blackboard release notes webpages.

Turnitin Integration

You will shortly be able to use Turnitin similarity checking tool within a Blackboard Ultra assignment. This is an optional new setting which enables the use of Turnitin within your Blackboard Ultra Assignment.

Linkedin Learning LTI available

The new LinkedIn Learning LTI (Learning Technology Integration) allows you to search for and embed content from the LinkedIn Learning library into an Ultra course without leaving Blackboard. You can embed content at a video, course, collection or learning path level. For example, you could include a video about using a particular function in Excel, producing better data visualisation or developing better presentation skills; or a whole course about using R or Python. Students can also view the content inside an Ultra course without needing to log on to LinkedIn Learning. Your students will have access to:

  • The content with play controls
  • The presenter’s exercise files
  • Closed captions in over twenty languages
  • A full searchable transcript of the content in English

Find full details about this new Ultra tool can be accessed at Blackboard Ultra – add LinkedIn Learning content

Students can find out more about using LinkedIn Learning content in Blackboard Ultra at Blackboard Ultra – engaging with LinkedIn Learning content

Full details of LinkedIn Learning at the University

Courses page filters

This update includes an improvement to the way you filter your list of current courses on the courses page.

You can set filters, make term choices, and add text searches. All of these are clearly displayed below the search box. Remove these search settings or filters to see more courses. Remove them by selecting the close icon “x” on each.

Your selections and filters are remembered automatically even if you log out or switch devices. Set up the pages the way you like and keep it that way until you change it.

Screenshot of the courses page. The person has searched for "Medical" in their current courses. You can see these search filters applied by the black pill indicator below the search bar.

Printing for tests

You will be able to print (or save to PDF) tests with questions. This will show a blank copy of the test.

You will not yet be able to print questions from question pools, nor will it show any answer keys, but watch out for these updates in the future.

Screenshot of the process of printing a test

Marker Notes on student grades

Instructors will be able to add private notes to student marks, after a score is assigned. These notes may serve as documentation for a marking decision or adjustment. Marker notes are private to certain course roles such as Instructors, Markers, External Examiners, but will not be visible to students. This feature will be available for Blackboard Tests, Assignments and Forms.

Those with marking privileges will be able to access Feedback & Notes from two places:

  • The Marks tab in the Gradebook by selecting a specific score.
  • The Submissions list page for an assessment, select the More menu for a student.
Screenshot of the gradebook. The Grade and Feedback panel is open and you can see some grader notes.
Screenshot of the gradebook. A student submission is highlighted and the Feedback and notes menu option is highlighted.

Filter out marked responses when grading by question

The Needs Marking filter will filter out marked student responses by default. Filtering this way helps instructors to focus on any remaining unmarked responses for a given question.

Prevent auto-assigning members in self-enrolment group

Before June 2024, any students would be automatically assigned to self-enrol groups at the enrolment end date. This will now be optional, and you can opt-out using the tick box.

Screenshot of the create a self-enrol group page. There is a tick box for "Auto-enrol members at the end of the enrolment period".

Post immediately when creating announcements

Instructors will be able to post announcements as part of the drafting and editing processes. This makes the process of creating and posting announcements simpler. 

You can continue to schedule announcements or save announcements as draft.

Improved visibility of new grades and feedback in the student gradebook

New indicators to notify students of released marks and feedback.

Screenshot of an Ultra course. The Gradebook has a new purple number indicator. There are 3 unseen marks or feedback for the student to review.
Screenshot of a student view of the gradebook. New marks are highlighted in a light purple colour, with a purple dot on the left.

Weighted calculation usability improvements

For advanced users using the New Total Calculation feature in the Gradebook. See the Blackboard guide on calculating grades.

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