BoB – FAQs

Who can watch videos / record videos on BoB?

All staff, students and visitors with a valid Southampton University username and password can use the website.

Can I request a programme be recorded before it airs?

Yes, by up to 7 days.

Please be aware that programmes in the future are subject to change.

What channels are available on BoB?

Most Freeview TV channels and national radio stations plus a handful of foreign language stations.

The up-to-date list of all available channels is here:

How can I create a clip?

Information on creating a clip is available here –

Does BoB have any help videos?

Bob National help videos are available here:

Does BoB have their own help pages?

Yes BoB National’s pages can be found at:

How do I add a video to Blackboard?

First log into BoB National, then find the video you wish to embed and select it. Once you are on the video overview page, look for the ‘Share’ button and select it.

It will now show a ‘Share this programme’ section where you need to select the ‘WAYFless URL’ and it will automatically highlight it. Copy this link.

Now go to your Blackboard course and the content area you wish the video to show and add the link in the same way as you would any other web address.

You can also use the ‘Embed’ code from BoB National and use the HTML code editor in Blackboard, but this can cause mixed results. So we recommend against this.

How long after a programme airs can I request it to be recorded?

30 days for non-BBC programmes. BBC programmes can be requested back to 2007.

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