Blackboard Ultra – Calendar

Student Guide: What is the Blackboard Ultra Calendar and what types of events and due dates does it contain?

Timetable and Attendance Tracking

The Blackboard Ultra Calendar will not show your full timetable or attendance tracking. We are working with Blackboard to integrate these systems in the future.

View a course calendar

Your Blackboard Calendar will only show due dates and events which have been added to Blackboard by the course teaching and administative teams.

This will not be a comprehensive list of your course events. There may be additional sessions run on Microsoft Teams or in-person. Always check your course timetable.

Please check with your course instructor if you have any queries about your course events or their office hours.

You can view your global calendar by selecting Calendar from the left-hand menu of Blackboard.

You can view the calendar of a specific course by selecting Calendar from the top course menu. This will show only the events and due dates for this course.

  • Select Day or Month to zoom in on one day’s tasks or plan for the weeks ahead.
  • Select Due Dates to focus only on your upcoming deadlines.
  • In global calendar view, select the cog in the upper-right corneto access Calendar Settings to choose the calendars you want to see.
Screenshot of a course calendar page.

View your Blackboard due dates

Your Blackboard Calendar will only show due dates and events which have been added to Blackboard by the course teaching and administative teams.

This may not be a comprehensive list of your due dates. You may have additional due dates for other platforms such as eAssignments, or ECS Handin.

Please check with the Student Hub or your course instructor if you have any queries about assessment.

  • Select Due Dates to view a list of your Blackboard Due Dates.
  • The icon will indicate the assessment type.
  • Select the assessment name to visit the assessment.
  • Select the course name to visit the Blackboard course (in Global Calendar view).
Screenshot of a student's global calendar page.
  • Remember to tick “New and upcoming due dates” in your email notification settings to receive notifications of due dates by email.

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