Panopto – Add content to Ultra courses

Staff Guide: How to embed Panopto video into Course Content and Ultra Documents.

There are two ways of adding Panopto content to your course. The first is to add a link via Course Content, the second is to make a playable embed of your media in a Ultra document.

Adding Panopto media to Course Content

  • Start by selecting the Plus button within a course. 
Screenshot image of a Blackboard Ultra course.
  •  On the dropdown menu select the Content Market option.
Screenshot of the dropdown menu of the plus/pill button. Highlighted is content market.
  •  From Institution Tools select the Embed Panopto Videos in your course from the list.
A screenshot of the content market, highlighted from list of options is the Panopto icon.
  • The Panopto LTI page will load. From here select the video that you wish to add to your course.
A screenshot of the Panopto LTI page in Blackboard showing some videos.
  • Once content has been chosen, select the Insert button.
A screenshot of the Panopto LTI page focusing on the blue Insert button.

To play the video you just need to select the name, you can also press the three dots for the menu to edit the displayed name of the video.

A screenshot of a Blackboard courses main content page showing a new Panopto link.

Embedding video into Ultra documents

Embedding Panopto content into an Ultra document is great as you can use it to create enriched learning objects to compliment the Panopto content.

  • To start select the Plus button where you want the video to be located. 
A screenshot of a Blackboard courses main content page showing a folder that has been expanded out.
  •  On the dropdown menu select Create.
Screenshot of the dropdown menu of the plus/pill button. Highlighted is create.
  •   From here select Document
Screenshot of the sidebar menu for create item. The document option is highlighted.
  • On the new page in the top left is the name for the document.
A screenshot of a new document page.
  • Select the Pencil icon and it will allow you to edit the name of the document/page. 
A screenshot focusing in the top title page showing a pencil icon for editing the name.
  • Once you have chosen a name, from the middle select the top Add Content option.
A screenshot focusing on the middle page options for content to be added to the document. Add content is highlighted.
  • From the text editor box select the Plus button.
A screenshot of the text editor for the document.
  • On the dropdown menu select Content Market.
A screenshot of the text editor for the document. Now showing the plus/pill button been selected showing a menu of options. Highlighted is the content market option.
  • From Institution Tools select the Embed Panopto Videos (Link tool).  
A screenshot of the available market tools. Highlighted is the Panopto icon option.
  • The Panopto LTI page will load, select the video/videos that you wish to add to your course.
A screenshot of the Panopto LTI page in Blackboard showing some videos.
  • Once you have selected the video(s) you want to use, select the Insert button.
A screenshot of the Panopto LTI page focusing on the blue Insert button.
  • Your Ultra document will now show the embedded video.
A screenshot showing the document page now showing an embedded  Panopto video.
  • You can make further changes to your Ultra document as well as by selecting the three dots for the menu and selecting from the list the Edit.
A screenshot focusing in on the embedded video, now showing the 3 dots menu expanded and the edit button highlighted.
  • From here you can put in some addition text and images around the video area. Once you are happy with your changes you can select the Save button.
A screenshot focusing in on the embedded video, now showing the text editor with the save button highlighted.
  • In addition to the text editor for the video, you can add additional learning content, such as PowerPoint slides etc.
A screenshot focusing in on the embedded video, now showing the option of pressing the plus/pill button showing some more options.

It is important to check the availability of the Ultra document. This can be done by selecting the dropdown in the top right of the page. Setting it to be ‘Visible to students’ will ensure they can see it.

A screenshot focusing in on the documents availability to students, showing it is visible to students.

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