Blackboard Ultra – Announcements

Announcement content

When you create an announcement the clearest and most accessible announcement should be text only. This text should be short and concise information giving, or to refer to an update within the existing clearly structured module content area (for example, mentioning a useful piece of content that has been updated, and where to find it). 

The option to Send an email copy to recipients is largely needed for time sensitibe announcements, for example, a room change. Students will always receive a notification via email, shortly after your post.

Links, images, and files can show differently within the default email notification, which can cause confusion with how they can be interacted with. 

From within Ultra if you attach a file within an announcement, the file does not currently use the accessible Ally features for checking and providing alternative formats. So, it is best to refer to where this content is within the module content area, which should be clearly structured. 

Currently there is not a course link option within Announcements. 

Announcement notifications

One change with Ultra announcements, is that users do not land in this area when entering a module. Now users start from the content area, and announcements show as a pop-up over these. 

Students can acknowledge that they have read an announcement when it pop-ups over their content area, and within the Announcements area itself.

Please note when people are added to a module, they will be notified of all the announcements made so far. 

Scheduling announcements

Consider scheduling announcements at a time when students will more likely act on that announcement. Selecting this option provides dates and times to show and hide the announcement.

Announcements page

Instructors can see a summary of posted, scheduled and draft announcements across the top of announcement page. Announcements also show in a user’s activity stream, so a clear name is useful.

After saving your announcement, you have an opportunity to edit the announcement before students see it but do remember to post them. This is due to change in the future, to allow one click posting.

Announcements cannot be reordered, which was possible in Classic/ Original, but they can be searched.

Announcement resources

The Blackboard (Anthology) support materials cover features or process that we may not recommend, but details the steps involved in using the feature.

Blackboard (Anthology) announcement guidance for staff.

Blackboard (Anthology) announcement guidance for students.

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