Blackboard – Logging in Staff guide: help with - logging in, NHS account issues, web browsers and Guest access.
Blackboard – Find and organise your list of courses User Guide: Find and personalise your Blackboard Course list.
Blackboard – Profile and Notification Settings Blackboard notifications appear in your Activity Stream, email and the Blackboard Learn app. Change your notification settings so you don't miss important course announcements and choose the types of notifications you receive and how they're delivered to you.
Blackboard – Requesting staff access to Blackboard courses Staff guide: Can't see a Blackboard module? This guide explains how to request access depending on your role.
Blackboard – Staff guide to Base Navigation Staff Guide - your guide to what is changing in Blackboard Navigation and actions staff and course instructor need to take.
Blackboard – Create an inbox rule in Outlook to move email notifications Don't want daily emails from Blackboard in your inbox? How to set up a rule in Outlook to automatically move email notifications sent by Blackboard to another folder.
Blackboard – New Starter Checklist Staff Guide: An overview of our VLE, Blackboard, for new members of staff at the University.