Blackboard – request a Sandbox course

Staff guide: A sandbox is a course used for training and testing.

Do not use Sandbox courses for teaching students. Any student accounts will be removed from Sandbox courses.

Request an ULTRA Course Sandbox

For information on the rollout of the ULTRA course format and links to training sessions please visit the Ultra project Sharepoint site.

Request an Original Course Sandbox

All Blackboard courses for the academic year 23-24 and earlier are in Blackboard Original format.

Request multiple Sandbox courses

You can only create one Original Sandbox course and one Ultra Sandbox course using the link to our CourseBuilder tool above. If you need other Sandbox courses follow this link to request a Custom (arbitrary) course.


Course Builder login: An unexpected error occurred

  • Refresh your screen if you see an error when you try to log into the Course Builder tool.

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