Staff guide for Programme Leads: Use the Course Announcements tool to check the announcements of any module in the programme you oversee.
What is the Course Announcements tool
The Course Annoucements tool is an in-house tool that lets Programme Leads view annoucements of any Blackboard module included in their programme(s), without the need to be enrolled on a course.
Programme Lead and module data are taken from CRUMS (Worktribe) and updated daily.
Find Course Annoucements in the Tools section on the main Blackboard navigation menu.
![Screenshot of the course announcements tool with a course announcement open.](
How to use the Course Announcements tool
- Log in to Blackboard and select Tools.
- Select Course Annoucements.
- Select the Academic year.
- You should now see all the annoucements from courses in programmes you oversee, for a specific academic year.
- Select View to view the full text of an annoucement.
![Screenshot of the course announcements tool with the filter options and search bar highlighted.](
Filter your list of Course Annoucements
- Use the Semeseter or Course filters to narrow your list.
- Use the Search to filter by Course name, Created time, or key words in the Annoucement title.
- Use the up/down arrows to sort the results by Course name or Created time.