Blackboard Ultra – Create and Edit Content

Staff guide: This guide will explain the different types of content you can add to your module, how to add them and how to edit them.

Ultra Template

Your new Blackboard Ultra module will have been created with the Ultra Template which includes features from the Universal Standards. There are also several content items which will need updating with module specific information such as Module Information, the teaching team, assessment overview and renaming of learning modules to be more specific.

Types of Content

Content can be created in an Ultra module wherever the plus icon (+) is available. This can be on the Course Content page or nested within Learning Modules or Folders. Select the plus icon (+) and a menu will appear with different content options.

There are a variety of content types that can be added to your module.


Select Create to open a side menu with options to add the following Course Course items, Assessments and Participation & Engagement tools:

  • Learning Module
  • Folder
  • Document
  • Link
  • Teaching tools with LTI connection
  • SCORM package
  • Test
  • Assignment
  • Form
  • Cloud Collaboration
  • Discussion
  • Journal

Copy Content

Select Copy Content to open a side menu and view all modules where you are enrolled as a instructor and are able to copy or rollover content from previous modules.

See this Blackboard video Guide on how to Copy Content in Blackboard

Upload and Cloud Storage

Select Upload or Cloud Storage to add content from different sources.

Create/Add Content

Where you see the Plus + symbol then you can add content to your module. The following content items can be used to organise and group teaching content:

  • Learning Module: this is the top layer, you cannot create a learning module within a learning module. We recommend this as your top level to show weekly content created with a clear title for example Week 1 Teaching Resources
  • Folder: within a learning module, you can add a folder. Again, you cannot create a folder within a folder. This is to prevent nested content which be cumbersome for the user. You do not need to use folders.

Other Content Items (see above) such as Ultra Documents, Tests, Links or Files can then be added within Learning Module or Folder. We do recommend creating Ultra Documents to group items together almost like a webpage of content. See our Elearn Guide on Ultra Documents for more information.

Editing Content

Once you have added any type of teaching content then you can edit parts of it. It is important to ensure a good naming convention, this means that naming items clearly. There are two reasons for this: first – it makes it clear what the content contains so students know what the item is without opening it; secondly – it allows the content to be searched by item title.

Read more about the search tool in Blackboard’s guide about Course Content Title Search.

Rename Content Item Title

To edit Content Titles, select the 3 dots or ellipsis (…) on the righthand side of the content item and the select Edit from the pop up menu. You will either edit in a side bar or within the item.

Screenshot highlighting three dots (ellipsis) on Learning Module with arrow pointing to the Edit button.

To rename a Learning Module, click the title or hover near the title and a pen image will appear to show you can edit the title and description as shown in the image below. The pop up style edit window is the same for editing the titles of Links, SCORMS, LTI Links.

Screenshot of the Edit menu on an Learning Module highlighting where you can update the title and the description

To rename an Ultra Document or Discussion, after selecting Edit the item will open so you edit within the document. Select the title at the top of the item and a pen image will appear and select any place within the title to delete/rename the item.

Screenshot of an Ultra Document showing how to edit the Title of the document

Don’t forget to name items carefully – these are searchable within the module and should reflect the content within the item.

Reorder Content Items

To reorder Content Items, select the area to the left of the item title and 6 Braille dots will appear.

Click and hold to drag the item up or down to the correct position.

You can even drag into and out of Learning Modules and Folders so take time to check the location after you have moved the item.

Elearn Guides to adding other types of content

  • Rollover Content (coming soon)
  • Content Market (adding LTIs such as Panopto and Online Reading List)

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