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  4. TurnItIn: Things to consider when submitting or marking PowerPoint files within TurnItIn

TurnItIn: Things to consider when submitting or marking PowerPoint files within TurnItIn

When a PowerPoint file is submitted to TurnItIn it is converted to a static PDF file that is viewable in the online software called Feedback Studio. All text and images are left as intended but features such as audio narration, video, animation, presenter notes, and text with visual elements are not supported and therefore not presented in Feedback Studio.

The original file is still uploaded so markers and the submitting student can download it to view it in its intended form with PowerPoint.

Markers can download the file via the “paper options” found in the assignment inbox…

Or they can download multiple submissions via the Turn it in inbox

And Students can download their original file from the submission location on Blackboard

Turnitin allows files up to 100 MB in size and PowerPoint files can become very large when audio and video are added. Learn how to compress files.

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