Blackboard – The different types of Blackboard courses and how to request them

Staff Guide: Introduction to the different types of Blackboard courses, how to request them and how users are enrolled on them.

Blackboard Banner module courses

Blackboard module courses are created automatically each academic year from module data in the Banner student information system.

  • Set up – Blackboard module courses are set up automatically from Banner modules. Contact your faculty CQA office for questions about module setup in Banner.
  • Course ID and title – The Blackboard course ID and title match the module in Banner. The course ID consists of the module code and the 5-digit Course Reference Number (CRN) for example, MANG1001-22233. The CRN is the unique delivery of that module and a module may have more than one CRN if the module is delivered in more than one location, semester, part time/full time, or for different start years for split modules (non-standard modules) etc.
  • Enrolment – Instructors and students are enrolled in the Blackboard course via their enrolment in Banner. Other staff may be enrolled via Banner or directly in Blackboard – see the guide to managing course enrolment for more information on how to enroll users correctly on modules and gain access for yourself.

You can request a Banner zero credit module for courses that fall outside the assessed curriculum; for example, study skills sessions, introductory sessions, language skills, information ahead of module delivery etc. 

  • Setup and enrolment: Contact your faculty CQA office to request a compulsory or optional zero-credit module in Banner. Blackboard course set-up and enrolments are then handled automatically via Banner.

If you are teaching closely related modules, enrolments can be merged in Blackboard into a single “parent” course for teaching purposes.

You must merge Blackboard enrolments rather than directly add students from one module to another. With merged enrolments, student enrolments stay in sync with Banner enrolments and match the student timetable. Student work will also be archived if a student is removed from the Blackboard course.

  • Setup: Module leads can merge and unmerge courses they are enrolled on via our Blackboard CourseManager app. Follow this link to our guide on merged enrolments.
  • Enrolments: Students will continue to access the parent course via the course code they are enrolled on in Banner and will be unaware that their course has been merged with another.

Programme Courses

A Blackboard Programme Course can support Programme Leads to open a communication channel, develop an online community with their students, and share programme-level content.

Custom (arbitrary) courses

Custom courses are used for staff training and school, department or faculty information and communication.

  • Setup: Custom courses are set up directly in Blackboard. See this guide to Request a Custom (arbitrary) course and see if this setup is appropriate for your use.
  • Course ID and Title: The Blackboard course ID and title are specified by the person requesting the course.
  • Enrolment: Users can be manually added to custom courses, self enroll or iSoltuions can set up a custom enrolment feed.

Sandbox courses

A Sandbox is a course used for personal training and testing. You can create a personal Sandbox course in the current Original course format or the new ULTRA format.

You can also request further Sandbox courses for other testing or training needs for example, if you need a space to set up a draft course ahead of a Banner course being available.

  • Set up: Follow this link to create a Sandbox course.
  • Enrolment: You will be added as an instructor onto any Sandbox course you request and you can add any staff members to the course directly with any course role. Sandbox courses cannot be used for teaching and any student accounts will be removed.

Where do courses appear in the Blackboard Courses list?

The different types of Blackboard courses are organised under headings (terms) in your Blackboard Courses List. You will see headings if you are enrolled on courses that are listed under those headings.

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