Blackboard – Enabling self-enrolment

For the majority of Blackboard courses, students will be enrolled automatically. Please see our guide on the different ways users are enrolled in Blackboard courses.

Sometimes, you may wish to enable self-enrol. This will allow anyone with a University of Southampton computing account, and Blackboard access, to join your course as a student.

Enable self-enrol

You must be an instructor on the course.

  • Navigate to the Course Management/Control Panel menu and select “Customization”
  • Select “Enrolment Options”
  • Select “Self-Enrolment”
  • Optional: add start and end dates if you wish for self-enrolment to be open for a defined period.
  • Select “Submit”

Share the course with prospective students

See our student guide on joining a self-enrol course.

  • Students can search for the course using the course catalogue. They will need to know the course ID or name to be able to search for it
  • Students can select a direct link to the course and select an”enrol” button from the menu

Best practice: request a self-enrol landing page

When a student selects a direct link to your Blackboard course but are not yet enrolled, they may see some confusing messaging such as, “You do not have permissions to view this course”. This is expected behaviour as they are not yet enrolled, and they need to select the “enrol” button from the menu before they can access course content.

You can avoid the students from seeing an error message by asking ServiceLine to set up a self-enrol landing page for your course. Please submit a ticket for the Blackboard team, stating the Blackboard course ID for the site you would like a landing page for.

The landing page will look similar to the screenshot below:

Screenshot of a Blackboard course with a "Self Enrol" instruction page visible to guests.

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