Blackboard – Enabling self-enrolment

Staff guide: Allow anyone with a University of Southampton computing account and Blackboard access to join your course as a student.

Self- enrolment can be an option for Custom Courses. For the majority of Blackboard courses, students will be enrolled automatically. See our guide on the different ways users are enrolled in Blackboard courses.

When self-enrolment is enabled, you can share a URL link to the course and anyone following the link will be invited to self-enrol as a student. You can optionally add an Access Code (password).

You can continue to add users manually to a course with Self-enrolment enabled.

Enable self-enrolment

Ultra Courses

  • Raise a ServiceLine ticket and we can enable the self-enrol option for your course.
  • Let us know if you want to include an Access Code/password.

Original Courses

  • Navigate to the Course Management/Control Panel menu and select Customisation.
  • Select “Enrolment Options”
  • Select “Self-Enrolment”
  • Optional: add start and end dates if you wish for self-enrolment to be open for a defined period.
  • Select “Submit”

Share the course with prospective students

See our student guide on joining a self-enrol course.

  • Share the URL link to your course and students can follow this to be taken directly to the course.
When you are in your Blackboard course, copy the URL link and share this with students.

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